Browse through suggestions of team names to help inspire your own team name. Vote for your favorite by leaving your star rating, or leave a comment telling us where you used your team name.
- The Bomb Squad
- The Flaming Marshmallows
- Thunder Ducks
- The Rowdy Roosters
- The Y-Nots!
- The Cheezeweasels
- The Mighty Morphin Stock Exchangers
- Tenacious Turtles
- The Tuna Tasters
- The Team Name
- The Evil Pop Tarts
- Thunder Hawks
- The Militant Mongooses
- The Cheeky Monkeys
- The Sharpshooters
- The Crazy Insane Flying Monkey Space Invaders
- The Fruit Loops
- The Monstars
- The Mighty Penguins
- The Hurricanes