Arrowhead Stadium

Arrowhead Stadium Information

Stadium Name Arrowhead Stadium
Home Team(s) Kansas City Chiefs
  1. 1 Arrowhead Drive
  2. Kansas City
  3. MO 64129
  4. United States
Sports Hosted
(Capacity in brackets)
  • American Football (79451)
  • Soccer (79451)

Where in the world…

How far is Arrowhead Stadium from the following famous landmarks…

  • Big Ben (London, England) - 4340 miles
  • Stonehenge (Wiltshire, England) - 4286 miles
  • Niagra Falls (Ontario, Canada / New York, USA) - 848 miles
  • Golden Gate Bridge (San Francisco, USA) - 1510 miles
  • Statue of Liberty (New York, USA) - 1087 miles