Philips Arena

Philips Arena Stadium Information

Stadium Name Philips Arena
Home Team(s)
  1. 1 Philips Drive NW
  2. Atlanta
  3. GA 30303
  4. United States
Sports Hosted
(Capacity in brackets)
  • Basketball (19445)
  • Ice Hockey (18545)

Where in the world…

How far is Philips Arena from the following famous landmarks…

  • Petronas Twin Towers (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) - 9848 miles
  • Taj Mahal (Agra, India) - 8067 miles
  • Niagra Falls (Ontario, Canada / New York, USA) - 705 miles
  • Stonehenge (Wiltshire, England) - 4141 miles
  • Golden Gate Bridge (San Francisco, USA) - 2136 miles